


David Copperfield,its English name David Copperfield,formerly known as David Kotkin [1],in September 1956 was born on 16,New Jersey,a Russian immigrant family,his childhood on the right has a strong interest in magic.The introverted,shy people easily find themselves the wisdom of their peers has won appreciation for his confidence.12 years old,David has been able to skillfully conduct magic shows,you can match with the professional magician.Soon he joined the National Association of magic,he became the world famous Magic the youngest member of the organization.In 1972,only 16-year-old David began as the Fine Arts Department at New York University undergraduates courses teach magic.
His inspiration come from?David Copperfield used his own words,inspired by "not only from other magician predecessors," but also by the impact of a number of entertainment professionals,such as rock band or a visual artist.David said:"I have wanted to be a songwriter,and I worship the creator of those songs,because they can create their own life experiences into a song,the song moved the audience at the same time,they can vent their own.I always wanted to create a rock song can be remembered in history,but now,I am writing is the magic "story",I want to rely on them to impress the audience.I was able,through their own creative things are now asserting himself."
戴维科波菲尔,英文名戴维科波菲尔,原名戴维Kotkin [ 1 ],在1956九月出世在16,新泽西,俄国移民家庭,他的右边有一个童年在魔术的强烈兴趣.性格内向,害羞的人很容易找到自己的同龄的智慧有信心赢得赞赏他.12岁,戴维已经能够熟练地进行魔术表演,你可以配合专业的魔术师.不久,他加入了魔术协会,他成了世界著名的魔术组织中最年轻的成员.1972,年仅16岁的戴维便开始在纽约大学为本科生课程教魔术艺术系.
